Do you know the Soil Food Web?

It’s important to realize that every single thing we put on our lawn is a food source for some type of microorganism. Those microorganisms may be beneficial or pathogenic. Traditional chemically created lawn care products are salt based, which are toxic to the beneficial fungi, earthworms & microorganisms we actually want to enable to carry out our naturally occuring healthy lawn functions. These products also enable a bacterial-dominant environment where weeds tend to thrive. Since the soil is the digestion tract of the Earth, creating healthy soil builds the immunity of our lawns & strengthens it against pathogenic activity. Our approach is focused on feeding the beneficial microorganisms that naturally occur in our soil while simultaneously repelling pathogenic organisms, or organisms which are detrimental to our lawns. Our fertilizer products are 100% certified organic & are manufactured specifically to feed these specific microorganisms. This creates a fungal-dominant environment, where weeds do not thrive but grass does. Over time, we are able to build up a thriving soil & lawn environment which is significantly stronger & healthier than traditional lawns. Hear more about the soil food web from the world’s foremost expert Dr. Elaine Ingham here.