Why Use Organic Fertilizers?

Soil is way more than just dirt; it's alive with billions of tiny creatures. These little guys are crucial for keeping our grass healthy. But here’s the kicker: they need to eat, and their favorite food is organic matter. But not just any ole organic matter-the specific types of tiny creatures that enable our lawns to thrive have specific diets that attract them.

Think about a forest. All those fallen leaves? That's a buffet for the soil. But in our lawns, we've kinda swept the buffet table clean. This leaves our soil hungry and our grass not getting what it needs. It's a vicious cycle, and we end up having to add all sorts of stuff to our lawns to try & keep them happy.

We’ve got all these different fertilizers for every type of plant you can imagine, including grass. At best, they make our lawns look good for a bit, but it’s kind of like a quick fix. The problem is, a lot of these fertilizers are like junk food for the soil. They can actually hurt the tiny creatures living there. Imagine pouring salt on a slug; it’s the same deal for these soil critters. That is what we are doing to these microorganisms each time we spread a synthetic, chemical based fertilizer or pesticide.

This leads to all sorts of problems like hard soil and thatch in our lawns. And then, we find ourselves in this endless loop of trying to fix one problem, but creating another.

If you look at untouched fields, you won't see any of these issues. The soil is loose, and there’s no thatch. Why? Because the microorganisms are doing their thing, breaking stuff down and keeping the soil healthy. Yet you also won’t see perfectly manicured grass lawns, because to achieve this still requires the right products & human interventions to make it happen.

So, what’s the solution? We need to get back to basics. Using organic materials helps feed the soil and bring it back to life. It’s a slower process, but totally worth it. Organic fertilizers are like home-cooked meals for the soil, and they help make sure our plants get the nutrients they need without hurting the little guys in the soil.

Plus, when we use natural stuff, we get all these extra perks like less disease and tastier fruits and veggies. It turns out plants love all the good bacteria and other microorganisms found in healthy soil. And when we use organic fertilizers, we help bring all that good stuff back. Turns out, if we use the right organic matter to attract the right microorganisms, we can actually achieve a far greater healthy & aesthetically pleasing lawn than any chemical product ever could.

So, in the end, it's all about working with nature, not against it. By using organic fertilizers and giving the soil what it needs, we end up with a much more beautiful lawn that is more disease, pest, & drought resistant than “traditional” lawn care products provide. So, what are you waiting for? Make The Leap & Go Green today!